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Proyecto Northwoods

Ganancias del río

  • Restaurar los procesos naturales de los ríos, reducir las inundaciones y la erosión y mejorar los hábitats acuáticos para un río Big Wood más saludable y resistente.





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Why Northwoods?​


The Northwoods project is a beacon of hope for the Big Wood River, aiming to restore a crucial stretch that has been significantly impacted by development and flood management issues. This 1.8-mile reach, running through Ketchum, contains valuable floodplain areas that are essential for natural river processes and habitat. By addressing floodplain connectivity, reducing erosion, and enhancing aquatic habitats, the Northwoods project has the potential to breathe new life into this key section of the river. The project not only protects nearby properties from flooding but also supports the long-term ecological health and sustainability of the river, benefiting both wildlife and the local community.



What is the Northwoods Project?


The Northwoods Project focuses on a 1.8-mile stretch of the Big Wood River from Adams Gulch to Warm Springs in Ketchum. The project aims to restore the western floodplain to reduce flooding and erosion along the eastern bank. By increasing streamflow and activating the floodplain, the project enhances natural river processes, improves groundwater infiltration, and provides better fish habitats. Key actions include creating engineered log jams, beaver dam analogs, and targeted grading to support these goals. This restoration effort helps mitigate flood impacts on nearby properties while promoting long-term ecological health.



Partnership with Trout Unlimited Hemingway Chapter & Environmental Science Associates​


Initiated by our local chapter of Trout Unlimited, we are honored to partner on such an impactful project. We are working with Environmental Science Associates (ESA) to bring science backed planning, design and implementation to this project. 




  • Reduced Flooding and Erosion: By activating the western floodplain, the project aims to lower flood risks and decrease erosive forces along the river's eastern bank, protecting nearby properties from damage.

  • Enhanced Natural River Processes: Increasing streamflow in the floodplain promotes natural river functions, such as sediment transport and habitat formation, which support ecological balance and resilience.

  • Improved Groundwater Infiltration: Greater floodplain inundation will enhance groundwater recharge, which helps regulate stream temperatures and maintains healthy aquifer levels.

  • Richer Aquatic Habitat: The project will create off-channel habitats and improve fish cover, providing better conditions for aquatic life and increasing overall biodiversity.

  • Long-Term Sustainability: Restoration actions, including engineered log jams and beaver dam analogs, are designed to have a lasting impact, supporting the river's ecological functions and reducing the need for ongoing maintenance.


We need you:​

Proyecto Big Wood

Project Big Wood

PO Box 5006

Ketchum, Idaho 83340



EIN: 88-2750423

1 por ciento para el logotipo de socios ambientales del planeta
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Woman holding trout in snowy river

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